D-Flow by digicon
Digicon designs and manufactures a complete line of products for a wide variety of access control applications. Market experience, cutting-edge technology applied to mechanics and electronics, and a huge production capacity allow Digicon to offer robust, reliable, and versatile products with an innovative design. Catrax product line includes all of these features. The products are manufactured in different configurations and the models are versatile and easily integrated.
The turnstiles can be used in business and residential buildings, clubs, fitness centres, schools, public transport systems and in several other venues.
Why are all gates normally closed if the great majority of users are authorized? Why not close only for unauthorized users, the minority?
D-Flow is a new paradigm with normally open doors, that brings more comfort, faster flows, with higher levels of accessibility and security.

How dFlow works: faster flows, more technology and security
As we started to develop the concept of dflow, we realized that we had to completely change the way traditional gates do user tracking. An overhead sensor basically allows us to have an almost infinite amount of sensors both in the vertical and horizontal planes.
Why is dFlow different: overview of what dFlow’s technology can accomplish
A brief presentation of dFlow’s unique features, that no other access control gate in the market can perform: much higher levels of precision, normally open doors that close only for unauthorized users and visual identification of user groups.
dFlow open doors concept – dealing with unauthorized users
In this video, you will understand how dFlow treats only the exception (the unauthorized user), instead of treating everyone as an exception. A sophisticated algorithm is constantly identifying the position of the unauthorized user within the gated area, his speed at that position and his direction of movement.
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